- Don't make a fool out of yourself on the dancefloor. My goodness, some women can't move when they drink. Know your limitations, and for the sake of God, don't caress yourself all the time, it's not attractive.
- Men might like flirty, somewhat slutty, women when they're out. They even sleep with them for a night or two. But here's the truth. Decent men would never see these women as more than just a sleeping companion. Tramps are rarely introduced to his family, and if you've managed to bring a guy home, hoping for more than just a onenightstand, well, good luck. The chance that he will fall in love with you is one i a zillion.
- Self secure women scare men. It is a well known fact. However, there is a key to how you can fool the man. Let him have the last word in 60% of your conversations, but make sure to never give him the upper hand. Make him feel important the first time you meet, but show him that you have a will of your own.
- If you see a guy whom you've been with a few times, but then he stopped calling you, don't approach him. And don't look at him with sad, pathetic, whydidn'tyoucallme eyes. Ignore him. If he's interested of a chat, he will come up to you. If not, let it go. There's more fish in the sea.
And finally girls, never become a victim!
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