Friday, June 15, 2007

Barcelona part 1

I'm in Barcelona! Seems like everytime I say that, I have to pinch myself to
know that it's not all just a dream.
I'm in Barcelona.....nope, it's real!

Yesterday I went out alone to explore the city, and the best way
to do that is by foot. I walked around for a good 3 hours in the middle
of the day (hot hot hot) and just took it all in.
So far so good.

Me and my friend here in Barcelona went out yesterday and ordered
in Sangria and just talked and watched the people walking by.
We talked about guys (what else) and she told me that Barcleona
is the capital city in Europe for gay people. She said: "Always asume
that the guy you meet, or think is cute, is gay. That way you won't be

Right now, meeting guys is the furthest thing from my mind, my only
relationship is that with the city of Barcleona and so far nothing I've
seen or heard is of any dissapointment.


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