Sunday, June 24, 2007

San Juan in Barcelona

So mzI told you all about the Swedish holiday, Midsommar, and I am glad I missed it this year, and I am really glad they do not have snaps here in Spain.
We celibrated Midsommar at home, since I live with Swedish people only, it was a must. But we replaced the snaps with wine, and made swedish meatballs from scratch and other great food. I made the potatoe sallad!:) Since I´m really into potatoes I thought it only fair that I should be the one to make it, and it was oh so good!
My own recepie and I am not giving it away, no matter what!

So, Midsommar was Friday and the Spanish equivalent is San Juan (or rather the Barcelonian equivalent since they don't celebrate San Juan in the rest of Spain), which took place yesterday (Saturday June 23rd).
First off we had a barbeque on the roof of a building (think Sex and the City when Samantha threw a barbeque for the drag queens) and met some really great people. We ate a bit but drank more (funny how my spanish improved the more I drank).

The tradition here in Barcelona is that everyone goes down to the beach at around 12am, and I mean EVERYONE (give or take a few), to watch the fireworks but mostly just dance and drink some more:)
Some go swimming at night, I was too much of a coward to do that though, and just hang out and enjoy the night. The party ends at 6am when they ask everyone to leave the beach and make place for the cleaners.

It was a true experience, and what a great one.
I had the time of my life.
Can´t wait for you MzI to come here next year for San Juan (of course you have to come sooner than that) and see it with your own two eyes.
Can´t wait.

Top 3 things I love about Barcelona right now:

1. L´Ambrousco
2. The beach (San Juan)
3. The hospitality and mentality


1 comment:

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