Thursday, June 21, 2007

Migraine's Day

Every year on June 22th people in Sweden celebrate summer in a festivity called Midsummer's Eve. This tradition features everything from herring and fresh potatoes, to flower chaplet in your hair and childish games as "the jumping frog" etc... And the one thing all folks have in common is the annual "snaps", also known as the Swedish shot... Drink til' u puke and lose sanity...

Well, I HATE this day.. and this year I'm being dragged downcoast to a friend's summerplace where games, herring and shots are all included. Oh, did I mention the jingles we have to sing everytime we have a snaps???? I HATE it. And the day after, oh my... hangover, barf-feeling all day and the worst headache ever.. Where's the fun in that? Cause you see, you HAVe to drink every time.. The Swedish mentality.. trying to make up for the dull and wan appearance they normally represent. Everyone is gay on Midsummer's day...

SO, MzS, I just wanted you to know that I'm pretty jealous that you don't have to suffer this horrible day...

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