Friday, August 24, 2007

Moving forward!

I´ve been here now for almost 3 months, and a lot has happened.
We´ve moved to a new apartment and I love it. It´s located in a quite
neighbourhood with great tapas-restaurants and cool bars and very few
tourists. Well, ok, there are tourists everywhere, but a lot less than
where we used to live before.

We have air condition!!!! How great is that!? And, it´s newly renovated,
and soooo nice. MzI, can´t wait for you to see it!

Anyway, I´m at work and so bored it´s crazy. Today, and the rest of the weekend, is going to be a quite day,we spent all night last night at a park with lots of cool people. One guy from work is leaving Barcelona for Finland, so we had to have one last party for him.
All though I swore to myself that I would take it easy and have just ONE beer, it
never really ends with just that one beer, does it? There´s always a second, and a third and fourth.....

When will I ever learn!?


Saturday, July 14, 2007

How cute is he!!!!

Saw this the other day and I just can´t get enough of it.
He´s so cute and I just love the way he says "blood".
It´s so funnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!:)


Betting is Risky

I like a good challenge. And it happens once in a while that I take it a step further, say betting. And I made this bet with my best friend's ex-boyfriend that Real Madrid wouldn't win la Liga this year. I lost. The chances were one in a million, but I lost. Damn it. So I had to do whatever he said for a whole day.

Last night I had face my destiny and it ended up being a night out with this slave owner, drinking whatever he drank and staying out as long as he stayed out. After a few bears, another few drinks and a numerous amount of pure vodka shots, he got so wasted that we didn't even go out! But, he now claims that I didn't fulfil the bet beacause I went home! Screw him.

It was one of the worst nights ever, and MzS, never ever make a bet with a person you dislike. If it backfires on you, it hurts a thousand times more than doing your bikini-line!!!

So I've learned my lesson. Never do betting with people I don't trust. I lost and I could've just refused going through with it, but I'm not a dropper. Today, maybe I wish I was...

Monday, July 9, 2007

Thanks, but no thanks!

Like I wrote earlier on, finding someone to date here in Barcelona isn't that difficult. I've been here a month now and already dated two spanish guys and
got another ones number.
You would think it's paradise, right?!

Last night I went out on a date, and I should've listened to my gut feeling when something told me not to go out with him. But, what the heck, I thought I might give him a chance, because we all deserve one, no?!

It started out alright, we went for a stroll by the beach and talked about everything and anything. His english wasn't really good, but since I want to practise speaking spanish it was a great opportunity for me to do so.
There were some minor misunderstandings because of my bad spanish, but he was patient enough and we had a good laugh at my expense.
By this time I started thinking that he seemed like a "normal" guy with a good sense of humour with a little bit of sarcasm (which I like).

After our somewhat romantic stroll we decided to sit down and grab a drink. The restaurants/clubs by the beach were perfect, and on a Sunday night not as crowded.
This guy grew on my by the minute: he had a nice job, was going to Nicaragua on his vaccation as a volunteer to teach the kids science and math, he seemed responsible, mature and a gentleman. And, he was cute!

And just as I started to imagine "our" future together, he asked me:

"Do you like sex?"

My reaction: "Umm. Ehhhh. Que?!"

He basically said (and this is a summary of our 30 min conversation about the subject) that he had heard that girls in Sweden are very liberal when it comes to sex. We (they) will have sex with just about anybody, anywhere, anytime.
Oh, and he also said that he had heard that the swedish girls sneak out in the middle of the night before the guy wakes up (which he told me he liked).

My response?! I finished my beer, payed for them (mine and his!) and basically told him: Thanks, but no thanks!
There's nothing wrong with people having one-night stands, but it bugged me that he could be so blunt about it. He ASSUMED I would be "easy", ready and willing to jump him right then and there just because I'm from Sweden.
Our date ended shortly after he realized he was going home empty handed!

Oh, and before he left I just couldn't help but give him these facts:
"Not all swedish girls have sex with strangers, we're not all tall, blond and blue-eyed and the most common name isn't Inga!
And no, there are no polar bears walking around the streets!"

I guess it's like the saying goes: You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you meet your prince!

Hasta luego


Thursday, July 5, 2007

The pier, the pictures

Here's a few pictures from that wonderful Sunday I told you about earlier, from the pier in Barceloneta, Barcelona.

That's my (sexy)back and the other one is Chris, just to show you how huge these cementblocks really are!


Sunday, July 1, 2007


So, I've been here in Barcelona for almost three weeks now, and I'm starting to see a patern when it comes to the chicos here in Spain.

First of all, it's hard to meet someone who speaks english, or maybe they do but are too ashamed to speak since they don't know it very well( I can relate since my castellano isn't all there yet).

It isn't difficult to meet someone here, it took me barely one week to get a date. In Sweden it could take forever.

On Friday me and my friend went to Toscana (the bar). We saw two guys standing on the other side of the bar and we were arguing wheather or not they were gay. They caught us looking at them and from there on it took five minutes until one of them came over (and he wasn't even drunk). Luckily for me, he spoke some english.

His next move? He asked for my phonenumber. Since I don't have a spanish number just yet, my friend gave him hers. Then they left.

Did he call? Yes, he did, at 5 AM!!!!
He called again yesterday, not only once not twice but four times!
In Sweden, when a guy asks for your number he usually waits three days until he calls. Some kind of "rule" that everyone there lives by.
But not here. They call you instantly and several times a day.

He ended up coming to a party I was invited to, and he was nice and all, but too intense like most guys I've met here so far.
I feel a little bit bad when I left the party without saying goodbye, but he´ll probably get over it!

Maybe I'm too much of a Swede (we're known for being "cold" and "reserved") or maybe I'm still just adjusting to the lifestile here?! Am I wrong for reacting the way I did? He seemed too stalker-ish..but I could be wrong.

I don't know, but when someone is that obsessed after just having met for five minutes, I can't, and don't, want to imagine what he'll be like further down the line. It's just a litte bit too much, too fast!


Kindness is a flaw

I have always tried not to have prejudice about the suburbs, especially here in Sweden. People who live in these neighborhoods are like anybody else, just that they haven't had the same luck or opportunity to find another residence closer to town.

Working in the suburbs is unfortunately not as glamourous as it might seem! The bus is never on time, and when it is on time, it's a scabby, old and dirty vehicle full of people escaping the suburbs. Whilst waiting for the bus, in one of the "worst" neighbourhoods in this city of mine, a car stops at the bus-hold I was standing in. At first the car just drove by and honked, whereas I, by a reflex, waved. My stupidity allowed me to wave without having seen the driver. I should have known that the world is full of psycho people... He turned around and stopped a few steps in front of the bus-hold. I thought it was one of my collegues, so I went over. It was a guy around his thirties, a stranger, asking me where I was going. At this time I realized that this wasn't just a kind soul wanting to improve his karma.. He continues saying: "If you let me be your friend, I'll give you a ride to town"
What made him think I would get in that car voluntarily.. that would be a suicide...

So, even though the bus was 20 minutes late, and we had to change buses halfway to town because of engine problems, I thank higher forces for not letting my gullable character fool my common sense and go with that jerk.

Sorry to write a pretty serious template, but I just need to let this come out. I was angry, sad, and disillusioned at the same time. Not even a simple wave is innocent anymore.. For the first time I understand why people are reserved and scared of showing emotions.. Kindness puts you in a dangerous spot.


Sunday, June 24, 2007

San Juan in Barcelona

So mzI told you all about the Swedish holiday, Midsommar, and I am glad I missed it this year, and I am really glad they do not have snaps here in Spain.
We celibrated Midsommar at home, since I live with Swedish people only, it was a must. But we replaced the snaps with wine, and made swedish meatballs from scratch and other great food. I made the potatoe sallad!:) Since I´m really into potatoes I thought it only fair that I should be the one to make it, and it was oh so good!
My own recepie and I am not giving it away, no matter what!

So, Midsommar was Friday and the Spanish equivalent is San Juan (or rather the Barcelonian equivalent since they don't celebrate San Juan in the rest of Spain), which took place yesterday (Saturday June 23rd).
First off we had a barbeque on the roof of a building (think Sex and the City when Samantha threw a barbeque for the drag queens) and met some really great people. We ate a bit but drank more (funny how my spanish improved the more I drank).

The tradition here in Barcelona is that everyone goes down to the beach at around 12am, and I mean EVERYONE (give or take a few), to watch the fireworks but mostly just dance and drink some more:)
Some go swimming at night, I was too much of a coward to do that though, and just hang out and enjoy the night. The party ends at 6am when they ask everyone to leave the beach and make place for the cleaners.

It was a true experience, and what a great one.
I had the time of my life.
Can´t wait for you MzI to come here next year for San Juan (of course you have to come sooner than that) and see it with your own two eyes.
Can´t wait.

Top 3 things I love about Barcelona right now:

1. L´Ambrousco
2. The beach (San Juan)
3. The hospitality and mentality


Thursday, June 21, 2007

Migraine's Day

Every year on June 22th people in Sweden celebrate summer in a festivity called Midsummer's Eve. This tradition features everything from herring and fresh potatoes, to flower chaplet in your hair and childish games as "the jumping frog" etc... And the one thing all folks have in common is the annual "snaps", also known as the Swedish shot... Drink til' u puke and lose sanity...

Well, I HATE this day.. and this year I'm being dragged downcoast to a friend's summerplace where games, herring and shots are all included. Oh, did I mention the jingles we have to sing everytime we have a snaps???? I HATE it. And the day after, oh my... hangover, barf-feeling all day and the worst headache ever.. Where's the fun in that? Cause you see, you HAVe to drink every time.. The Swedish mentality.. trying to make up for the dull and wan appearance they normally represent. Everyone is gay on Midsummer's day...

SO, MzS, I just wanted you to know that I'm pretty jealous that you don't have to suffer this horrible day...

The Forgetful Mind

The leaving-behind-an-item-at-a-"friends"-house is the worst thing... Especially when we're not referring to a friend friend, but a sleeping-over-only-friend. What are you supposed to do if you forget your favorite Dior lipgloss at his place and you really don't feel like seeing him again? Is it a crime if you break it? I mean, technically there is a piece of property in that building that belongs to you. Are you not therefore allowed to get it?!

Well, here's the thing. Some people like to separate different fields in their lives from other fields in their livese... If you are a someone's "friend" you have some obligations, one of them being your responsibility to leave with all the things you brought when you went to his/her place. DO not, I repeat, DO not forget anything there!!! I don't care if you were in a hurry, and I really don't care if you blame it on your plain stupidity.. If you forget something at that place, it's your own fault, not the resident's.

Just wanted to make that clear, and state that the one item you should never forget at your "friend's" house, is your cellphone!!!


Monday, June 18, 2007

What a perfect day...Barcelona pt 2

Usually I hate Sundays, because that means that Monday comes next and
I hate Mondays the most.

Yesterday I woke up with a hangover, and I don't think I've ever had a hangover
in my life. I discovered that the drinks here in Barcelona are way stronger
than the ones in Sweden. I was already semi-drunk after just one drink, and that's
saying something (or maybe I'm too weak).
We went to a great little pub/bar called Toscana where they made these deadly
strong drinks. On our way home we stopped by another bar where they had live music.
One guy with his guitar singing spanish tunes into his microphone and the entire
crowd were his backup singers. The atmosphere was like nothing I've seen so far.
My next move? To learn spanish songs and go to that bar and sing my lungs out!

Anyway, that was Saturday.

Yesterday was Sunday, and I woke up feeling not quite like myself and since me
and Sundays havn't been the best of friends before, I thought I might just grab
a cup of coffee and not do anything worth mentioning.
BUT, lucky for me, I'm surrounded by great people here and they wouldn't let me
sit at home all by my lonesome with my headache as my only company, so they took
me out on an adventure.
What an adventure it was!

First off, we met up with two crazy spanish guys who were so funny that they made my
headache go away.
After we ate and drank (water) we (or rather they) decided to go to the pier by
the beach in Barceloneta with a small picknick and just consume the view of the sea.
They didn't mention however, that in order to get to this great place we had to climb, leap and put our lives at risk. The pier is full of these huge cement blocks
and it was a bit scary at times, but apparently I made it out alive, my jeans and shirt didn't however.
It was worth it, the view was great and the picknick, consisted of bear and wine, never tasted as good.

Three hours and two hundred pictures later, it was time to watch the football game,
le grand finale. It would either be Barcelona or Real Madrid who would be crowned the winners. (Of course I had faith in Barca). My friend here told me that she wished they would win because I just had to see the party take place afterwards. Thousands and thousands of people in fountains, on the street, singing, can imagine.
How it ended?
Well, let's just say that most people went home with their heads held down and some even in tears.
But what a farewell present for Beckham, winning the Spanish major league and leaving Spain for his new adventure, USA, like this.

Overall, I think it was the best sunday in my life, so far. Again very spontanious which sometimes (most times) work out for the best.

NB! I still hate Mondays though.

Top 3 things I like about Barcelona right now:

1. Toscana (the bar/pub)
2. How people say hello here, with a kiss on each cheak.
3. The pier

Top 3 things I don't like as much:

1. Real Madrid
2. The traffic
3. The service, it takes forever before you get what you've ordered


Saturday, June 16, 2007

Summertime in Sweden

Summertime. Summertime in Sweden and a city on the west coast. I'll try to guide you through what it looks like at a pub/bar/club in this city situated by the west coas.

After a long day at the beach, sun-bathing til' you can't think anymore and your body is so de-hydrated you look like a dried tomato, you return to the flat and take a cold shower. The phone has ringed 7 times whilst you were cooling off and shaving your legs. During the summertime it is ok too be late, or not to bother about the time. The bars are over stacked from 15.00..

What happens when you and your girlfriends finally manage to find a place to grab an exotic drink? Well, not only do u have to wait 20minutes before you can order, but the freaking mascara has started to run, thanks to the wonderful weather.. The glass is empty sooner than you can imagine and the second and third and sixth just run through the body.. Pee-time!!

A night out in the summertime is one of the best experiences of the year. The cool summer breeze when you're sitting outside, with your mojito in your hands, the fabulous sun-tanned people, the great atmosphere... who thinks about your running mascara, or your sweaty body? We love it. It's summertime in of the best cities of the western coast...


Friday, June 15, 2007

Barcelona part 1

I'm in Barcelona! Seems like everytime I say that, I have to pinch myself to
know that it's not all just a dream.
I'm in Barcelona.....nope, it's real!

Yesterday I went out alone to explore the city, and the best way
to do that is by foot. I walked around for a good 3 hours in the middle
of the day (hot hot hot) and just took it all in.
So far so good.

Me and my friend here in Barcelona went out yesterday and ordered
in Sangria and just talked and watched the people walking by.
We talked about guys (what else) and she told me that Barcleona
is the capital city in Europe for gay people. She said: "Always asume
that the guy you meet, or think is cute, is gay. That way you won't be

Right now, meeting guys is the furthest thing from my mind, my only
relationship is that with the city of Barcleona and so far nothing I've
seen or heard is of any dissapointment.


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Changes can be Good

With one part sadness and one part admiration I will no longer be in the same city as MzS... she is leaving Sweden for Spain!!! Can you believe it? Who would leave this freezing, fretful, fobby country to go live in a sunny, surprising, soothing Spain?!?!?!?!

Here's the thing, even though we're gonna miss mzS as hell, she'll be reporting from the land in the south... and I demand for cool blogs about spanish people's view on sex, work and food!!!

We're gonna miss u gal-pal, not only the unexpected phone-calls from your job, complaining over how bored you were, but also the spontaneous dinners and wine tastings :)

Loveeeee//// mzI

Monday, May 28, 2007

That's what friends are for!

The truth is that some of my best memories, the most fun I've had, happen
when you least expect it.

I've never been a big fan of Valentine's or any other "commercial day".
New years?! Nope, can't remember ever having a great one.

The ones I do remember with a smile, are the ones that aren't planned, the
ones that happen spontaneously. I go out for coffee with a friend, which
turns into dinner or a movie and/or a drink. Those are the ones I look back on
and remember fondly.

Today happend to be such a day.
Yes mzI, Mondays can be fundays:)


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A glass of Chardo, plz!

How could one avoid the bottle of Chardonnay lying there, staring at you? Begging you to open the poor thing, drink it with delight and applaud yourself for enjoying it by yourself?

Another truth folks; drinking alone is not as bad as it may sounds. Once in a while it actually proves to be an absolutely perfect idea. The Chardo helped me reach an epiphany... I'll be damned (or I know MzS will be)!!

Take my advice, spoil yourself sometimes, it's worth it, and you avoid the embarrassing wakingupnexttoastrangersituation...

(and it's on a Weekday. What day? Wednesday!! The best days to booze away!)


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Couple Zone

I have lost yet another friend to the oh-so-evil Couplezone!

I don't get it, I just don't get it.

They met a year ago, got engaged six months ago, moved in together three months ago and that's practically the last I saw of her. If it wasn't for the occasional phonecall or textmessage, I would call for a searchparty!

I have seen that happen to practically every couple I've ever known.
They go into hibernation, and I'm not just talking for the winter.
And when they're ready to come out and start interacting with other people, that's when it starts getting weird. It's like they're glued to each other, literally. Where one goes, the other is sure to follow, preferably hand in hand or any kind of physical contact at all times, very important apparently.
Sadly, some couples stay glued to the hip forever!

Eventually they'll return to a normal state of mind, 6-8 months later i.e after their "honeymoon" is over and then they'll remember that they actually had friends before they met. But is it ever the same?
It's no longer just your friend, it's "them". The "two" who have become "one"!
Do you really have anything in common anymore?
I guess that's why couples hang out with their equals, and single people with theirs too. It's just two different worlds and sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you just can't bring the two worlds back together.
Am I making any sense at all?

I may not know much, but I do know that "people change, things go wrong, shit happens but life goes on"!

Wonder who's next in line to enter.......the Couplezone!?


Friday, March 9, 2007

Don't believe everything u hear

Twice as much, ain't twice as good. Did u know that? Have you experienced the phenomenon? I tell you, it doesn't work. I did the exact thing twice, not receiving the double effect of satisfaction.

Just wanted to tell you that. One truth. I zillion more to go.


Monday, February 26, 2007

Cheese for the Ease?! Please!

OR...another great advice on how to NOT wake up the next day with those infamous hangovers:


Is it just me, or does that not sound like the best advice EVER!?

MzI, when will you ever learn!?
This right here..this is called tough love:)


Saturday, February 24, 2007

Cheese for the Ease

I've found the best recipe for how to avoid the punishment you get for having drinking way too much the night before! Two slices of cheese just when you get home from the pub, it helps too minimize the damage the following day.. Try it!

Oohh, and I don't talk about no mozzarella or typical American cheddare cheese, it has to be the european cheeses, the light yellow ones.. like Herrgard, Gouda or Edamer...

Give it a try (however, I can't say it takes away the vomit-attacks or the fierceful headache that won't let you have no timeout, but I has a special effect.. you won't feel so useless and you can actually make it to the kitchen and grab yourself a cup of tea).


Thursday, February 22, 2007


The Oscars! Can you feel the tension, the excitment in the air?! Aren't you just anxious to see who will be wearing whom or what?! Who will cry like a little baby during their speech?!
Who will win this year?

Here's how it's all gonna go down, I'm known for my oracle powers!
And the Oscar goes to:

Best Director
Martin Scorcese! Can you believe this man never won an Oscar!? I don't believe the "people" would want to dissapoint Leo Dicaprio!

Best Picture
Tough one, but my money is on Letters from Iwo Jima mainly because it's Clint!

Best Actor
Forest Whitaker, because he deserves it!

Best Actress
Hmm, it's between Helen Mirren and Penelope Cruz so I'm going with miss Cruz!

Best Supporting Actor
Djimon Hounsou because he is good and Hollywood is so predictable!

Best Supporting Actress
Abigail Breslin, well it would be fun to see this little girl take home the Oscar. I hope she does coz then I'll finally have the guts to pursue my lifelong dream: acting!

Best Original Screenplay
Michael Arndt - Little Miss Sunshine

Best Animated Feature
Happy Feet

There you have it, let the party begin.


Monday, February 19, 2007

Be careful what you wish for

I'm a girl, and like many girls I like to keep in touch and read about the latest trends out there in the world of fashion. I like designer clothes, jewelry and oh the shoes!? wow, don't even get me started on shoes OR bags! I love love love bags, one thing you can never get enough or have too much of!
Ok, I'm starting to lose focus, somehow all this was going to lead me in the direction of celebrities. That's what I wanted to focus on today's blog. Fashion and celebrities go hand in hand, because celebrities can afford to wear really expensive (but oh so gorgious) clothes (so why do they get freebies?!) and because their every move is being documented (paparazi) and we buy these shitty magazines to see what J.Lo or Victoria Beckham is wearing (because they're "trendsetters" and "fashion icons").
Speaking of Mrs Beckham (notice the smooth transition), I've never really been a fan of her and David's (he's soo overestimated as a football player, or soccer as the americans say). I believe they're overexposed, and to some extend brought that on themselves, but for some reason they make tabloids no matter what they do, or do not do! They're huge and now they're huge in the land of the free, USA! They're used to it I think (well they should be by now anyway), and I don't feel sorry for them...but what I saw today really broke my heart. I saw this today and I felt it. I felt probably what Victoria felt at that time (I know, she felt it times 100), but I was saddened and angry at the same time. Why couldn't they just take a few pictures and then leave them alone? They're kids, he got scared and they don't deserve that. It was frickin Disneyland, they should've been all smiley and having fun, and not be scared off by a dozen of greedy men with big lenses! Can you imagine what this could do to a kid?!
So Mrs Beckham, I admire you at times (like these) and the fact that you probably have to go through this every day must be horrible. I don't care how many millions and billions of dollars you have, I wouldn't want to be in your shoes cause if I were, I'd probably do what Britney did and go nuts.


Sunday, February 18, 2007

Sexy seeks Stupid

Like my dear friend, I am not a fan of ugghs, but I have discovered to dislike, no, despise, the new idea that women's dresses this spring are going to be as short as possible.

It's like begging for being grabbed on, and touched on by men.. these disgusting (when drinking) men...

I don't get it, is it a dress or a longer shirt? If I were to bend over in of these dresses the whole world would see my giant ass! Poor you people out there. Now, is that attractive? Really?? Spare your eyes for the love of God!

Welcome to Spring of 2007.


Wednesday, February 14, 2007


I'll make this short and sweet: I just cannot for the life of me understand why some people still wear these horrible "things".

The name says it all, Uggs?! Probably stands for Ugggggleeeyyy (or it should anyway).

I'm done, feels so much better to have some things off your chest.


Monday, January 29, 2007

Half a Monday with Rushdie

I just finished reading a book by Mr.Rushdie, which I haven't quite figured out yet. His way of writing is either brilliant or just totally stupid. I won't comment any further on the content of his book rather than quoting a short passage from it:

He came to her once a year and ordered her to get ready, because it was time to plant the seed, until she felt like a vegetable patch whose naturally fertile soil was being worn out by an over-zealous gardener, and understood that there was no hope for women in the world, because whether you were respectable or not the men got you anyway, no matter how hard you tried to be the most proper of the ladies the men would come and stuff you full of alien unwanted life.

Make what you want of the quote. I felt both amused as well as sad by the statement. Surely it's not that in real life, in parts of the world? Is it?


Sunday, January 28, 2007

Something about nothing

The latest news about miss Hilton; another sexvideo is spreading around the internet like a virus! Seriously, who the hell cares?! Wrong answer. Obviously people do care about seeing Paris act like a girl scout in the bedroom. I think that some people have too much spare time, that's what I think. Just admit that your life is too boring, too monotonous and too bloody ordinary. That is the reason why you read other people's blogs, watch sex-videos made by B-celebrities, pretending you're living an exciting life!

Nowadays fashion blogs are out, and sex blogs are in. Women revealing everything about their sexlife, and their partners... watch it guys, they don't leave out a theeeaaang! They all want to be like Samantha..

Well, me and MzS both have a life, and we're proud to call it ordinary... uhhmmm (don't say it mzS), well, it's not that ordinary.. it's pretty mellow. Yes. And mellow is swellow!


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

My kingdom for a lobster!

I believe in rebirth, and I know what I want to be rebourn as in my next life (for like a second or two). Yes, you guessed it, a lobster! Why, you ask?

I read an article about how some people, human beings, treat the lobster with such cruelty! To keep a lobster in ice-cold water is, apparently, torture to the lobster. It needs to be in a large aquarium with other lobsters where it can move freely, and NOT in freezing cold water! Shame on you people for not knowing any better!!!!

A more comfortable and happy lobster makes for a better one. Knowledge is power people, power!!!!


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

An Irish Boy

Damien Rice people! Just listen to his recent album, it's a killer! This man knows how to capture the essence of emotions, it's spectacular. So simple, and yet so revealing. He doesn't hide behind formalities. Just read these lines:

Do you come

together ever with him?

Is he dark enough

enough to see your light?

Do you brush your teeth before you kiss?

Do you miss my smell?

Is he bold enough to take you on?

Do you feel like you belong?

Does he drive you wild

or just mildly free?

What about me?

And I agree with MzS that one should see to the music and not to the artist. The truth remains that we often times are fooled by an artist, instead of appreciating their ability to produce good music. I mean, remember when you were young and fell in love with every boy-band or girl-band just because they looked good, and knew how to work it?! Did we ever appreciate their music? And how many artists are truly talented today? Will we ever hear another Eva Cassidy or a Nick Drake?


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

All these -less

Homeless. A homeless man should never be homeless in his own town. Still, there are people living in their town, without having more than a box, a step, or a sidewalk to sleep on. It's frightening. They're just like you and me. They had a life. Noone is born homeless. But here they are. All alone. When did they lose it? How? Why?

Rootless. Some people do have a home. But they don't have a root. And they keep on living in their town, without their roots. Noone is born rootless. When did it happen? How did they lose it? The root. Who broke it? Who'll fix it?

Weariness. Some people have a home, and a root, but they're bored. They're sick of the days. They're sick of the nights. They live in their town, doing the things they always do. But they lost the joy of why they're doing it. Noone is born being weary. When did it happen? What caused it?

Hopeless. There is no such thing. One should never lose hope. Nothing is hopeless. The day you lose hope, you lose it all. You can lose a home, a root, the excitement, but don't lose hope.


No You May(er) Not!

I have a confession to make. I like John Mayer, no strike that, I like John Mayer's music! I like the early John because he sounded so sincere and genuine, and I like the "now" John for trying to be all blues and "it's all about the guitar", his music nonetheless is still good.

I, like so many others, enjoy a good read every now and then, not to catch up on all the gossip, but to see the pics of what the so called "hot" celebs are wearing or NOT wearing!

John Mayer needs to stay away from the gossip news, he needs to stay away from Mr Chow (who goes to Mr Chow for the food anyway?!) and stay away from Hollywood. I have great respect for him, for his talent, but overexposure in the media can backfire! Think about that!

"A celebrity is a person who works hard all his life to become well known, then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized. "
- Fred Allen


Monday, January 15, 2007

Have you ever cried on a bus?

The other day, when I was sitting on the bus, on my way home after work, I started to cry. It's true, I was listening to my ipod, like I always do, but this time I totally fell apart. I don't if it had to do with the sullen landscapes, or that it's just january.. maybe I was feeling a bit too sensitive with my period coming up and all. I don't know, but it felt so good to shed a few tears. And no one turned around. People on the bus are so busy with their own thoughts, their personal issues. Nobody cares about the other passengers, we are too self-absorbed and if we would see another person cry, we would pretend not noticing it. Human nature, why worry about other people, when you can worry about yourself?

2007, how is this year going to be different from the other ones? I wonder. Have you made any new year's resolutions? I have a good one. I'm determined to go out, on my own, to a pub, and order a beer. By myself. All alone. I mean, we see it all the time on tv, people going out by themselves, mostly men, but why don't women do it too? Could it be that we are prejudice when we see a woman sit on a pub alone, is it a sign of desperation? We would probably make up all these stories about why this stranger sits on a pub, all by herself, the stories would never end. She has had her heart broken, she walked in while her man was unfaithful, she has an illness, or she has just lost her job.. the stories would never end. I say, let them talk! I'm going to do it, go to a place, sit down and have a beer. Alone. And 2007 is the year to do it.

Quoting one of my favorite artists:
Pain throws your heart to the ground
Love turns the whole thing around
No it won't all go the way it should
But I know the heart of life is good.
John Mayer

Thursday, January 11, 2007

To be or not to be?

As my dear friend pointed out earlier I am somewhat of a believer in fate. I do believe that some things are meant to be BUT I do not wake up each morning and let my horoscope dictate my life. I'm not that naive. Nor do I believe in the stars to "guide" us through our life. I do believe that we make our own choices, and that thru those choices we find our destiny. And why can't it be a little bit of everything? Why can't things be explained by saying that it had something to do with luck, a lot to do with choices and a little bit of destiny? Does that make any sense?

However, all things cannot be explained or even rationalized (this is what she's been dreaming of ), and that's when fate (or destiny if you like) kicks in. Simple things like: if my alarmclock had worked that day, I would've never overslept and been late for work BUT I would've never met the stranger, who turned out to be the man in my life either!
And no, that doesn't just happen in the movies (I think).

I'm going to end this with a quotation, I like quotes because they always seem so wise and interesting and the last thing a person reads is usually the one thing they remember.

"Our destiny exercises its influence over us even when, as yet, we have not learned its nature: it is our future that lays down the law of our today"

-Friedrich Nietzsche


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I know you'll marry that geek from your neighborhood

We're gonna have a vote. I'm curious to see how many of you out there put your trust in the stars, on fate, or just believe things happen by accident. Meant to be, or a coincidence?

Personally, I don't get fooled by the hocus pocus, zimabimbim, shubidibaba, magic, unexplainable spells... Things happen when they happen, without being pre-written by something bigger than rationality. My other half, MzS, is of another opinion, and that's fine. But I choose to write about it, so I get to decide the outcome!

So, let's see if people depend on the writings in the stars, fate, or luck.


Friday, January 5, 2007

Honest to Gal

Well girls, now's your turn to listen and learn about what things to avoid doing when you have alcohol in your blood.

- Don't make a fool out of yourself on the dancefloor. My goodness, some women can't move when they drink. Know your limitations, and for the sake of God, don't caress yourself all the time, it's not attractive.

- Men might like flirty, somewhat slutty, women when they're out. They even sleep with them for a night or two. But here's the truth. Decent men would never see these women as more than just a sleeping companion. Tramps are rarely introduced to his family, and if you've managed to bring a guy home, hoping for more than just a onenightstand, well, good luck. The chance that he will fall in love with you is one i a zillion.

- Self secure women scare men. It is a well known fact. However, there is a key to how you can fool the man. Let him have the last word in 60% of your conversations, but make sure to never give him the upper hand. Make him feel important the first time you meet, but show him that you have a will of your own.

- If you see a guy whom you've been with a few times, but then he stopped calling you, don't approach him. And don't look at him with sad, pathetic, whydidn'tyoucallme eyes. Ignore him. If he's interested of a chat, he will come up to you. If not, let it go. There's more fish in the sea.

And finally girls, never become a victim!


Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Please your Woman

All men want to know, and I feel that I am obligated to share this with them. You are now about to see how you can avoid being the loser who made a fool of himself last night. Remember that women tell their female friends everything. I am not kidding. When it comes to sex they don't leave out a single thing. Size, form, flexibility, positions, smells and so on and so forth. Do you now understand that you need to read this if you want to avoid being that guy who did all the mistakes one can possibly make in bed.. Read carefully and take notes:
Have you ever seen the episode on Friends where Monica shares the 7 zones with Chandler? If they could have made a documentary of that instead of humorizing it, women would have less to complain about over their afternoon dates with their girlfriends. I am not going to talk about the zones, not today. The facts that will follow are going to be an introduction..

First of all, a woman hate it when the guy starts playing with her hair. Has it ever occurred to you why women are so stiff all the time? If you spend more than an hour styling your hair every morning you most likely don't want someone touching it. So, the-playing-with-the-hair-part does not turn women on.

Secondly, women don't like to be "leaded" down there... If you want a woman to give you a blow job, just ask her. Do not, I repeat, do not shove her head down to your dick. It's not only humiliating but it's also a turn off!

Rule number three; women and men don't always like the same things. In this case, most women dislike it when a man starts kissing her behind. Yes, you heard me, some men like kissing a woman's butt. Now, this is not unbearable, but it's more often unpleasant. Men should please women, not make them feel uncomfortable.

Fourth and not last: Some women don't like kissing in the morning. Why? Well, have you ever heard about morning-breath? And if the man or the woman has forgot to brush his/her teeth the night before... Oh my god. Need I say more?

The fifth no no may be an obvious one. Women want to feel that they are equal in bed. Never force them or convince them if they hesitate. Women want to be worshipped, treat her like a princess.

To be continued...


Honest to Guy

Are you one of those guys who needs to drink copious amount of liquor in order to approach a girl you've been checking out at the club? Or just to be able to hit the dancefloor?
And when you finally get the nerve (or get drunk enough) to talk to the girl, do you feel charming and unconquerable? Do you? How many times have you actually succeded in charming the panties off of a woman?

There are a few fatal mistakes that men make when they harass (pick up) women, and I'm here to give you some pin pointers of what NOT to do.
Now, listen good and listen carefully because I say this only once:

  • Consuming large amount of alcohol might make the ugliest girl look attractive in your mind, but it does nothing to improve your sexappeal.
  • When you see a group of girls on the dancefloor having a great time, do not for a second think that you can just waltz right over and act like you're Travolta. Generally when a group of girls head out to the dancefloor they, believe it or not, just want to dance.
  • If a girl smiles at you it does not mean she wants you! That's just the alcohol talking. If a girl is interested in you, trust me, she will let you know!

I could go on and on about what not to do, but basically all I'm trying to say is this: drink less and act more! It's OK to make a fool of yourself, to fail. There's plenty of girl-fish in the sea and some of us actually like insecure guys, because most of us are just that...insecure!


Monday, January 1, 2007

One Two One Two

Welcome to a site where honesty is the foundation that lies behind our posts. This is a not a typical kind of blog. We are two chickalicious beings with a mission, and that is to tell YOU the truth about everything and anything. May it be why women never kiss in the mornings, or why men never call the day after... it could be why some like sugar and some like salt, or something as valuable as where to find the best pizza when you're in a serious need of a calory booze , or what CD to put on when your hot neighbor knocks on your door.

We are gonna teach you
how to:
  • Earn like you don't need the money
  • Love like you've never been hurt
  • Dance like nobody is watching!

My question to you is: Are you strong enough to see and read the truth?!
