Saturday, July 14, 2007

How cute is he!!!!

Saw this the other day and I just can´t get enough of it.
He´s so cute and I just love the way he says "blood".
It´s so funnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!:)


Betting is Risky

I like a good challenge. And it happens once in a while that I take it a step further, say betting. And I made this bet with my best friend's ex-boyfriend that Real Madrid wouldn't win la Liga this year. I lost. The chances were one in a million, but I lost. Damn it. So I had to do whatever he said for a whole day.

Last night I had face my destiny and it ended up being a night out with this slave owner, drinking whatever he drank and staying out as long as he stayed out. After a few bears, another few drinks and a numerous amount of pure vodka shots, he got so wasted that we didn't even go out! But, he now claims that I didn't fulfil the bet beacause I went home! Screw him.

It was one of the worst nights ever, and MzS, never ever make a bet with a person you dislike. If it backfires on you, it hurts a thousand times more than doing your bikini-line!!!

So I've learned my lesson. Never do betting with people I don't trust. I lost and I could've just refused going through with it, but I'm not a dropper. Today, maybe I wish I was...

Monday, July 9, 2007

Thanks, but no thanks!

Like I wrote earlier on, finding someone to date here in Barcelona isn't that difficult. I've been here a month now and already dated two spanish guys and
got another ones number.
You would think it's paradise, right?!

Last night I went out on a date, and I should've listened to my gut feeling when something told me not to go out with him. But, what the heck, I thought I might give him a chance, because we all deserve one, no?!

It started out alright, we went for a stroll by the beach and talked about everything and anything. His english wasn't really good, but since I want to practise speaking spanish it was a great opportunity for me to do so.
There were some minor misunderstandings because of my bad spanish, but he was patient enough and we had a good laugh at my expense.
By this time I started thinking that he seemed like a "normal" guy with a good sense of humour with a little bit of sarcasm (which I like).

After our somewhat romantic stroll we decided to sit down and grab a drink. The restaurants/clubs by the beach were perfect, and on a Sunday night not as crowded.
This guy grew on my by the minute: he had a nice job, was going to Nicaragua on his vaccation as a volunteer to teach the kids science and math, he seemed responsible, mature and a gentleman. And, he was cute!

And just as I started to imagine "our" future together, he asked me:

"Do you like sex?"

My reaction: "Umm. Ehhhh. Que?!"

He basically said (and this is a summary of our 30 min conversation about the subject) that he had heard that girls in Sweden are very liberal when it comes to sex. We (they) will have sex with just about anybody, anywhere, anytime.
Oh, and he also said that he had heard that the swedish girls sneak out in the middle of the night before the guy wakes up (which he told me he liked).

My response?! I finished my beer, payed for them (mine and his!) and basically told him: Thanks, but no thanks!
There's nothing wrong with people having one-night stands, but it bugged me that he could be so blunt about it. He ASSUMED I would be "easy", ready and willing to jump him right then and there just because I'm from Sweden.
Our date ended shortly after he realized he was going home empty handed!

Oh, and before he left I just couldn't help but give him these facts:
"Not all swedish girls have sex with strangers, we're not all tall, blond and blue-eyed and the most common name isn't Inga!
And no, there are no polar bears walking around the streets!"

I guess it's like the saying goes: You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you meet your prince!

Hasta luego


Thursday, July 5, 2007

The pier, the pictures

Here's a few pictures from that wonderful Sunday I told you about earlier, from the pier in Barceloneta, Barcelona.

That's my (sexy)back and the other one is Chris, just to show you how huge these cementblocks really are!


Sunday, July 1, 2007


So, I've been here in Barcelona for almost three weeks now, and I'm starting to see a patern when it comes to the chicos here in Spain.

First of all, it's hard to meet someone who speaks english, or maybe they do but are too ashamed to speak since they don't know it very well( I can relate since my castellano isn't all there yet).

It isn't difficult to meet someone here, it took me barely one week to get a date. In Sweden it could take forever.

On Friday me and my friend went to Toscana (the bar). We saw two guys standing on the other side of the bar and we were arguing wheather or not they were gay. They caught us looking at them and from there on it took five minutes until one of them came over (and he wasn't even drunk). Luckily for me, he spoke some english.

His next move? He asked for my phonenumber. Since I don't have a spanish number just yet, my friend gave him hers. Then they left.

Did he call? Yes, he did, at 5 AM!!!!
He called again yesterday, not only once not twice but four times!
In Sweden, when a guy asks for your number he usually waits three days until he calls. Some kind of "rule" that everyone there lives by.
But not here. They call you instantly and several times a day.

He ended up coming to a party I was invited to, and he was nice and all, but too intense like most guys I've met here so far.
I feel a little bit bad when I left the party without saying goodbye, but he´ll probably get over it!

Maybe I'm too much of a Swede (we're known for being "cold" and "reserved") or maybe I'm still just adjusting to the lifestile here?! Am I wrong for reacting the way I did? He seemed too stalker-ish..but I could be wrong.

I don't know, but when someone is that obsessed after just having met for five minutes, I can't, and don't, want to imagine what he'll be like further down the line. It's just a litte bit too much, too fast!


Kindness is a flaw

I have always tried not to have prejudice about the suburbs, especially here in Sweden. People who live in these neighborhoods are like anybody else, just that they haven't had the same luck or opportunity to find another residence closer to town.

Working in the suburbs is unfortunately not as glamourous as it might seem! The bus is never on time, and when it is on time, it's a scabby, old and dirty vehicle full of people escaping the suburbs. Whilst waiting for the bus, in one of the "worst" neighbourhoods in this city of mine, a car stops at the bus-hold I was standing in. At first the car just drove by and honked, whereas I, by a reflex, waved. My stupidity allowed me to wave without having seen the driver. I should have known that the world is full of psycho people... He turned around and stopped a few steps in front of the bus-hold. I thought it was one of my collegues, so I went over. It was a guy around his thirties, a stranger, asking me where I was going. At this time I realized that this wasn't just a kind soul wanting to improve his karma.. He continues saying: "If you let me be your friend, I'll give you a ride to town"
What made him think I would get in that car voluntarily.. that would be a suicide...

So, even though the bus was 20 minutes late, and we had to change buses halfway to town because of engine problems, I thank higher forces for not letting my gullable character fool my common sense and go with that jerk.

Sorry to write a pretty serious template, but I just need to let this come out. I was angry, sad, and disillusioned at the same time. Not even a simple wave is innocent anymore.. For the first time I understand why people are reserved and scared of showing emotions.. Kindness puts you in a dangerous spot.